Jermia cannon iremind myself
Jermia cannon iremind myself

jermia cannon iremind myself

Just as a man can recover from ghastly surface wounds, broken or even amputated limbs, while below-the-surface diseases, like cancer or internal injury to the vital organs, prove fatal, so a nation, with its cities, towns, and villages, can regain its peace after the chaos and upheaval of war it can be restored to health after wide epidemics of influenza or typhus it can rise victoriously from the ashes of fire, the debris of flood, earthquake, tornado, the ruin of bombs and cannon. Similarly, if we ask ourselves, What is the worst disaster that can overtake our beloved land? we ought to agree that the most devastating danger comes not from without, but from within. The wildest inflation, when people pay hundreds of thousands in paper money for a loaf of bread or a quart of milk, need not mark the utter end of any nation. A country can rebuild, sometimes better and stronger, after complete bankruptcy. Four thousand billion dollars! Who knows whether this figure, cruelly fantastic to many of you who would thank God if you had four dollars, represents the breaking point in American financial power? An army of experts, I suppose, will contradict this claim moreover, we should realize that a nation’s existence is not guaranteed by the amount of its money nor its destruction sealed by financial loss. Amen.įOUR thousand billion dollars! Who among us can really understand that staggering sum? Yet a Harvard professor of economics recently told those worried about our growing national deficit that within fifty years, provided the Federal income continues to increase as it has, the United States will be able to sustain an indebtedness of that inconceivable amount. Lay on us whatever Thy wisdom decrees may be necessary and helpful for us but, O God of endless love, bring many to Christ, keep those who know Thy Son as their only Redeemer faithful to the end! Make us a thoroughly Christian people! Bless the preaching of Thy pure Gospel throughout the world! Ws ask these favors and Thy benediction upon this broadcast for Jesus’, our glorious Savior’s, sake. Ws have not deserved Thy compassion but Thou hast promised to be gracious to us for Jesus’ sake, and we rely wholly on Thy Word. Therefore, as we behold sin and wrong in our lives and unbelief rampant in America, we approach Thee for mercy, beseeching Thee, by the power of Christ’s cleansing blood and His life-giving death, to forgive us, restore us, strengthen us. We know, however, that Thou art pleased only with those who love Thee, follow Thy Word, and seek to do Thy will. In this hour of our country’s need we come before Thee to implore Thy guidance and Thine almighty power for the welfare of our nation, for victory with a just, righteous peace. Our God and, through Jesus Christ, Our Father: Turn Thou us unto Thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned renew our days as of old! – Lamentations 5:21

Jermia cannon iremind myself